Gross fixed capital investment slowed, but still posted growth of0.9%. 固定资本投资放缓,但仍张贴增长0.9%。
From 2000 to 2010, growth of gross fixed investment averaged 13.3 per cent, while growth of private consumption averaged 7.8 per cent. 从2000到2010年,中国固定资产投资总额年均增速为13.3%,而个人消费年均增速为7.8%。
With a remarkably open economy and gross fixed investment at 43 per cent of gross domestic product last year, it is hard to identify significant constraints on China's growth in the medium term. 作为一个颇为开放的经济体,去年固定投资总额在国内生产总值(GDP)中所占的比例为43%,从中期看,很难找出对中国经济增长构成明显制约的因素。
For non-financial corporations ( half of gross domestic product), the disengagement is best measured by the share of liquid cash flow allocated to illiquid long-term fixed asset investment. 就非金融企业(占一半GDP)而言,要衡量这种现象有多严重,最佳方法是看企业从流动现金流量中,拨出多少份额进行非流动性的长期固定资产投资。
The gross fixed assets investment of steel trade was 132,907 million yuan in 2003, increasing 87.18%, far exceed the growth rate of investment in fixed assets of the whole country and the secondary industry. 2003年钢铁行业固定资产投资总额为1329.07亿元,增幅为87.18%,远远超过全国和第二产业固定资产投资的增长速度。
The paper defines in a broad way Financial Intermediation in Investment, and calculates a series based on the concept for China 1981-2002, together with series of gross fixed asset investment and the incremental capital-output ratio ( ICOR) in constant prices. 本文提出关于广义金融中介投资的定义并测算了1981-2002年中国广义金融中介投资及其占全社会固定资产投资的比例。
The paper deems that the gross demand increase including fixed asset investment volume, consumptive fund and fiscal deficit is not the fundamental reason of the inflation on ground of just quantitative analysis. 文章认为,包括固定资产投资规模、消费基金、财政赤字等在内的社会总需求膨胀并不是导致通货膨胀的根本原因,仅从数量上讲就不存在需求膨胀的现象。